In December 2000, a separate school was built allowing all elementary students grades K-6 to be held in the same location for the first time in the history of Phil Campbell School.
In 2005, the gymnasium was renovated and dedicated to Mrs. Nelda Moss for all of her years of service and dedication to PCHS. Mrs. Moss taught for 39 years and served as the PCHS Cheerleader Sponsor for 42 years!
On April 27, 2011, a F-5 tornado destroyed much of Phil Campbell and damaging the school heavily and costing many their lives. For the remainder of the school year 2010-2011, Northwest-Shoals Community College opened their doors to the students and school staff of Phil Campbell High School. When school started in the Fall of 2011, classes were held in mobile units. At the end of the 2013-2014 school year, the students and faculty said good-bye to the mobile units that had served as their make-shift campus for 3 years. For the first six weeks of the 2014-2015 school year classes were housed in local churches: Mountain View Baptist Church, First Baptist of Phil Campbell, and the Phil Campbell Church of God.
In September 2014, almost 3 1/2 years after the deadly tornadoes, students anxiously reported to classes in the new school for the very first time.
The current high school facilities mark the 5th to be constructed since it was established in 1910.
The Class of 2015 was the very first graduating class in the new building.
The Class of 2020 will be the first graduating class to have spent all 6 years (grades 7-12) in the new building.
New School in a New Era
Front of schoolAerial view of schoolAngled view of school